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Best Ever Potato Latkes

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Adjust Servings:
4 medium russet potatoes, cut into chunks
1 small onion
5 tablespoons potato starch
1/4 cup matzo meal
2 eggs
fresh black pepper, ground
oil, for frying

Nutritional information

16 g
Calories From Fat
1.8 g
Total Fat
0.6 g
Saturated Fat
62 mg
38 mg
36.8 g
3.9 g
Dietary Fiber
2 g
6.1 g
Serving Size

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Best Ever Potato Latkes


    I've had many latkes in my life, those made with matzah meal, with flour, all sorts of vegetables, and they're all good but last year I decided to make mine with potato starch and OMG! They were so much better than anything I ever had so try these and remember to stock up on potato starch at Passover time as it has a very long shelf life. I don't give salt measurements as potatoes are never exact so start out by making one latke and add more salt to the next one if needed, just don't skimp on it as the salt and pepper really give it the great taste. If you choose to shred your potatoes instead of grating make sure your flame is on medium low or it won't cook thoroughly. You can also expect a lot of liquid to accumulate. Just be sure to stir everything well before frying each batch and leave the liquid behind.

    • 55 min
    • Serves 6
    • Easy




    Best Ever Potato Latkes, I’ve had many latkes in my life, those made with matzah meal, with flour, all sorts of vegetables, and they’re all good but last year I decided to make mine with potato starch and OMG! They were so much better than anything I ever had so try these and remember to stock up on potato starch at Passover time as it has a very long shelf life I don’t give salt measurements as potatoes are never exact so start out by making one latke and add more salt to the next one if needed, just don’t skimp on it as the salt and pepper really give it the great taste If you choose to shred your potatoes instead of grating make sure your flame is on medium low or it won’t cook thoroughly You can also expect a lot of liquid to accumulate Just be sure to stir everything well before frying each batch and leave the liquid behind , I’ve had many latkes in my life, those made with matzah meal, with flour, all sorts of vegetables, and they’re all good but last year I decided to make mine with potato starch and OMG! They were so much better than anything I ever had so try these and remember to stock up on potato starch at Passover time as it has a very long shelf life I don’t give salt measurements as potatoes are never exact so start out by making one latke and add more salt to the next one if needed, just don’t skimp on it as the salt and pepper really give it the great taste If you choose to shred your potatoes instead of grating make sure your flame is on medium low or it won’t cook thoroughly You can also expect a lot of liquid to accumulate Just be sure to stir everything well before frying each batch and leave the liquid behind

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    Finely Grate the Onion.


    Grate or Shred the Potatoes by Using the Pulse Button on Your Food Processor (don't Make It Overly Fine as You Don't Want It to Be Too Liquidy).


    Add Remaining Ingredients and Mix Well.


    You Will Have to Experiment With the Salt a Bit as It Varies With the Size of the Potatoes, So Fry One First and Make Adjustments as Needed.


    Fry in Hot Oil Over a Medium Flame (not High or the Interior Won't Cook Well).


    Serve Immediately With Your Favorite Accompaniments (sour Cream, Applesauce or Just Plain Which I Think Is the Best).



    Avatar Of Dylan Elliott

    Dylan Elliott

    Whiskey wizard using spirits to create flavorful and aromatic dishes.

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