Chocolate Chip Scones,Although not a traditional combination, chocolate chips scones are big sellers at the bakery counter. I serve them with a baked omlette for brunch.,I made these this morning out of staples – didn’t have shortening, so used a stick of butter. Also skipped the sprinkling of sugar on top and used a simple powdered sugar/milk glaze, as that’s what DD loves. She had a friend spend the night and they said they were way better than *$. High praise indeed from these girls. Very light crumb, not overly dense as some scones are. Delicious. Thank you for sharing this recipe!,Made this for a fabulous breakfast this morning. We were out of cereal and we could make this with staples. They are so delicious and remind me of scones we get at our favorite bakery. Made them with omlettes as suggested. Thanks for posting!
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