Gooey Chocolate Cake, This is the chocolate cake we made all the time as poor students with my bestest friend Tuija! There are no fancy ingredients, you can put the cake together in minutes and the end result is pure chocolate decadance The cake is flat and doesn’t exactly make a pretty presenatation (we usually even skipped the parchment paper and scraped the cake off the bottom of the springform pan 🙂 but the taste more than makes up for it , I made this for the Spring 2010 PAC Yum! This cake was so good and chocolatey I served it with a dollop of whipped cream and everyone just loved it I did’nt have any vanilla sugar so used a teaspoon of vanilla extract instead also to make it less sweet used 1 cup of sugar instead of 1 1/3 cups Great recipe stormylee , I made this for the Spring 2010 PAC Yum! This cake was so good and chocolatey I served it with a dollop of whipped cream and everyone just loved it I did’nt have any vanilla sugar so used a teaspoon of vanilla extract instead also to make it less sweet used 1 cup of sugar instead of 1 1/3 cups Great recipe stormylee
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