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Moroccan Lamb Shank With Couscous

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Adjust Servings:
2 lamb shanks
2 large tomatoes, chopped to small pieces
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon fennel seed
5 cm knob ginger, chop into chunky pieces
2 thai bird's eye chili, chopped (i don't de-seed my chili, as i like them hot)
1 cinnamon stick
1 tablespoon olive oil
500 ml chicken stock
50 g dried apricots, chopped
50 g dried figs, chopped
1 tablespoon almond halve
2 tablespoons honey

Nutritional information

430 g
Calories From Fat
47.9 g
Total Fat
15.9 g
Saturated Fat
249.7 mg
568.3 mg
142.5 g
13.2 g
Dietary Fiber
48.8 g
95.2 g
Serving Size

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Moroccan Lamb Shank With Couscous


    Just finished eating it. Absolutely to die for.

    • 210 min
    • Serves 2
    • Easy




    Moroccan Lamb Shank With Couscous, This lamb shank dish is a winter staple in my family, and is very easy to make as long as you have all the spices in the cupboard A great sunday dinner in a wintery night , Just finished eating it Absolutely to die for , This is a great way to celebrate lamb! Warmly spicy and great favors!

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    Mix Ground Cumin, Coriander, Paprika and Fennel Seeds in a Bowl. Put the Olive Oil in a Big Sauce Pan With Lid or a Casserole in Medium Heat. When the Oil Is Hot, Put in the Mixed Spices. Fry Them For 1-2 Minutes Until You Can Smell the Lovely Fragrance of the Spices. Add Ginger and Chili, Fry For a Further 1 Minute.


    Add Lamb Shanks in the Pan, Make Sure the Shanks Are Coated With the Spices While Browning the Meat. After the Lamb Shanks Are Nice and Brown, Add the Chopped Tomatoes, and Cook For 2-3 Minutes.


    Add Chicken Stock Into the Pan, Make Sure the Lamb Shanks Are Largely Covered, and Bring It to Boil. Add Cinnamon Stick, Salt and Honey to the Pot, Cover the Pan With the Lid and Reduce the Heat to Let It Simmer For 30 Minutes.


    After 30 Minutes, Adjust the Seasoning to Your Preference. Let the Lamb Continue to Cook For Another 2 Hours, and Turn the Lamb Shanks Over Every 30 Minutes, and Add Additional Water If the Stocks Becomes a Bit Dry.


    After 2 Hours and 30 Minutes, Add the Chopped Apricots, Figs and Almond Flakes to the Lamb, and Continue to Cook For Another 30 Minutes. the Meat Should Be Almost Falling Off the Bones by Now.


    Meanwhile, Put Couscous in a Large Bowl, and Cover With the Sauce from the Lamb. the Liquid Should Be Enough to Cover the Couscous With a Finger Width of Extra Water on the Top. Cover the Bowl With the Lid from the Pot For About 5 Minutes. This Would Allow the Couscous to Soak Up All the Flavours. Uncover the Bowl, and Fluff the Couscous Up With a Fork. Sprinkle Some of the Chopped Coriander and Mix.


    Divide the Couscous Up Into 2 Bowls, and Dish Out the Lam Shank on Top of the Couscous. Dont Forget to Put Some of That Lovely Sauce on Top of the Dish. and Finally, Sprinkle Some of the Chopped Coriander on Top.

    Avatar Of William Khan

    William Khan

    Sushi sensei skilled in the art of crafting delicate and delicious sushi rolls.

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